Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who is Dr. Philip Nitschke?

Dr. Philip Nitschke is an Australian doctor, humanist and the founder of Exit International, the pro-euthanasia group.

He successfully campaigned to have a legal euthanasia law passed in Australia's Northern Territory and assisted four people in ending their lives before the law was overturned by the Federal government. Nitschke was the first doctor in the world to administer a legal, voluntary, lethal injection.

Famously said: " "It seems we demand humans to live with indignity, pain and anguish whereas we are kinder to our pets when their suffering becomes too much."

In July, 2009, Nitschke said he no longer believed voluntary euthanasia should only be available to the terminally ill, but that elderly people afraid of getting old and incapacitated should also have a choice.

Awards and recognition:

- In 1996, Nitschke received the Rainier Foundation Humanitarian Award
- In 1998, Nitschke was recognised as the Australian Humanist of the Year by the Council of Australian Humanist Societies.
- He has twice been a finalist for Australian of the Year (2005 & 2006).

Source: Wikipedia

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